Monday, November 30, 2009

Wasn’t that nice of them?

With their two fresh new members in tow, After School makes a strong comeback with “Because Of You“. The choreography and style are quite reminiscent of 2PM’s current look in “Heartbeat“, with the sharp suits and heart-wrenching dance moves. Despite this similarity, the aura emanating from After School during their comeback performances is bold and packed with raw gestures. “Because Of You” shows off a little more of these girls vocals, which aren’t all that bad, although I could stand for some more powerful lung capacity.

UEE has improved vastly in her stage presence, and has noticeably different facial expressions. NaNa doesn’t really add anything to the group, except for an extra body. Raina makes herself extremely useful as she has a fairly nice pair of vocal chords and they showcase them a good deal, but something about the way she carries herself on stage stands for some improvement. Ga-hee and Jung-ah are on point as always, and Ju-yeon brings just enough for me not to say she’s only there to look pretty. I wish Bekah would have had more opportunity in their comeback to shine, but she makes do with what she has.

Check them out in their Music Bank comeback~

Also, here’s their Inkigayo comeback with an intro segue of “When I Fall“~

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