Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Qri disappoints T-ara Fans

Surprisingly, the underrated Qri from girl group, T-ara, has been getting many hateful comments about her past.

A few years back, the T-ara member was featured on a Korean reality show called, “The Law of Immunitable Love” where she was the bait to make a guy cheat on his girlfriend while she watched helplessly in another room. For the part, Qri wore revealing clothes, packed on the makeup and flirted her heart out. She did such a good job that at one point, the girlfriend asked the tv hosts of the reality show to stop for a moment. Many netizens were shocked and suprised about her recently dug up past. On Qri’s minihompy, she commented”, A reporter got bored,” meaning that someone who had nothing else to do.

What do you think? Is Qri a disappointment to T-ara?

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