Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Oh you naughty boy, Byung-hun…

Did that arouse your inner curious George? The two celestial actors will be starring in an online movie named, ‘ The Influence’

A sad tale of a pair of lovers whose love never obtained its much deserved happy-ending. Han Chae-young’s character is destined to save Byung-hun however,in return she’ll be trapped in time for a century. Which, we think isn’t that bad if you look as etheral as she does. In the film, they’ll be travelling through time from 1907 to 2010. The movie will be release online this coming March 2010. This story will be broken into 3 episodes and total runtime will be 60 minutes.

My,my…we bet billions thousands of POPSEOULers are having fantasy of Lee Byun-hun right now. How many of you are imagining yourselves as the person Lee Byung-hun is gazing at in the above photo?’

A story of a POPSEOULer and love

Chapter un

Our first lunch

I was elated no, beyond that. It was comparable to striking lottery and having the whole world at your disposal. Byung-hun, the man whose eyes shoots love beams with every glance is my man. Yes, mine…At first i was hesitant to open my heart to him. Afterall, a human being whom God bestowed the best fell in love with me, a fool who constantly dream of the unreachable.

I could barely meet his gaze perhaps, i’m shy or perhaps because i truly love him. Like a fourteen year old high schooler confessing to her crush. Only this time, i’m much older.

“You look beautiful in that dress” he said. Oh the dress, 50’s turquiose flower print dress i bought at a vintage store back in Dongdaemun. Modest nothing fancy, sleevesless with full skirt and beautiful flower details on the soft satin fabric.

It caught my eye when i entered the store. And what a bargain it was, I paid 20,000 Won for it. It reminded me of the elegance and sophistication that Grace Kelly always portrays.

“Oh,umm, i mean THANK YOU” My nerves got hold of my vocal chords and decided to step on its toes on the last two words. Lucky for me, the restaurant we’re at isnt at it’s crowded moment. I felt my blood bashing the wall of my cheeks and God’s cupid programmed in my head fainted of embarassment.


“Im sorry Byung-hun. I didnt mean to shout at you and worst of all in this beautiful restaurant” Apologetic i was, the one person i always had a secret crush on, is in front of me and i had to ruin it.

He smiled, warmly. He reached over and gently pat my trembling hand. Skinship! I know it’s totally pathetic but that’s the first time a guy touched my hands. Automatically my body tensed up.What should i do, how should i react?

être poursuivi…(to be continued)

Our writer at POPSEOUL decided to write fictional love stories between you and your favourite stars. As a thank you for supporting our humble IP address on the ever expanding internet. Leave us your comments. Perhaps we might continue this fantasy together? Oh to warm your loveliest hearts, lets end this post with the gaze that sparked our writer romantic novel skills. Have a candy-coated dream tonight

Oh you naughty boy, Byung-hun…

Did that arouse your inner curious George? The two celestial actors will be starring in an online movie named, ‘ The Influence’

A sad tale of a pair of lovers whose love never obtained its much deserved happy-ending. Han Chae-young’s character is destined to save Byung-hun however,in return she’ll be trapped in time for a century. Which, we think isn’t that bad if you look as etheral as she does. In the film, they’ll be travelling through time from 1907 to 2010. The movie will be release online this coming March 2010. This story will be broken into 3 episodes and total runtime will be 60 minutes.

My,my…we bet billions thousands of POPSEOULers are having fantasy of Lee Byun-hun right now. How many of you are imagining yourselves as the person Lee Byung-hun is gazing at in the above photo?’

A story of a POPSEOULer and love

Chapter un

Our first lunch

I was elated no, beyond that. It was comparable to striking lottery and having the whole world at your disposal. Byung-hun, the man whose eyes shoots love beams with every glance is my man. Yes, mine…At first i was hesitant to open my heart to him. Afterall, a human being whom God bestowed the best fell in love with me, a fool who constantly dream of the unreachable.

I could barely meet his gaze perhaps, i’m shy or perhaps because i truly love him. Like a fourteen year old high schooler confessing to her crush. Only this time, i’m much older.

“You look beautiful in that dress” he said. Oh the dress, 50’s turquiose flower print dress i bought at a vintage store back in Dongdaemun. Modest nothing fancy, sleevesless with full skirt and beautiful flower details on the soft satin fabric.

It caught my eye when i entered the store. And what a bargain it was, I paid 20,000 Won for it. It reminded me of the elegance and sophistication that Grace Kelly always portrays.

“Oh,umm, i mean THANK YOU” My nerves got hold of my vocal chords and decided to step on its toes on the last two words. Lucky for me, the restaurant we’re at isnt at it’s crowded moment. I felt my blood bashing the wall of my cheeks and God’s cupid programmed in my head fainted of embarassment.


“Im sorry Byung-hun. I didnt mean to shout at you and worst of all in this beautiful restaurant” Apologetic i was, the one person i always had a secret crush on, is in front of me and i had to ruin it.

He smiled, warmly. He reached over and gently pat my trembling hand. Skinship! I know it’s totally pathetic but that’s the first time a guy touched my hands. Automatically my body tensed up.What should i do, how should i react?

être poursuivi…(to be continued)

Our writer at POPSEOUL decided to write fictional love stories between you and your favourite stars. As a thank you for supporting our humble IP address on the ever expanding internet. Leave us your comments. Perhaps we might continue this fantasy together? Oh to warm your loveliest hearts, lets end this post with the gaze that sparked our writer romantic novel skills. Have a candy-coated dream tonight

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