Thursday, October 29, 2009


Sorta, but I’m re-obsessed nonetheless.

Time to retire those Abracadabra dance moves, for they’re so not the new thing! Proving that talent peaks in later years (and that shoulder pads are in) the beauties in their late twenties repackaged their 3rd album “Sound-G” and two new tracks have just been released. Both are well composed, catchy and current.

If Abracadabra’s made us forget how talented the ladies are, “Drunk on sleep” re-reveals their powerful voices and Miryo’s ability to rap while barely at talking speed.

Sign” is a catchy, upbeat track with a familiarly somber feel. The MV to this track will be revealed in just a few hours, so keep your eyes open!

Are you excited to see them back? Which track are you digging more?

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