Alex and Ho-ran? Can these two be in love with each other?
Nah, more like co-worker/best friend love. Got to keep it professional, folks.
Clazziquai members, Alex and Ho-ran, spoke honestly about their feelings for one another, and about the other Clazziquai members on tvN’s “Taxi“. As a group that’s never in the spotlight for every little irrelevant thing their members do, this latest episode of “Taxi” will shed some personal light on the group.
On the show, Alex and Horan spoke out about shacking up with each other. They completely deny it, and are dumbfounded by the mere question. They found the question absolute ridiculous, because they never had those sorts of feelings toward one another.
Alex stated that he doesn’t want to be unprofessional; that kind of feeling never existed and never will. He wants to stay just friends with Ho-ran forever, but he speaks about how easy it was for him to become so friendly with her. Alex being a human, judged Ho-ran by her appearance and expected her to be very arrogant from his first impression.
After having eight bottles of soju, however, along with some chicken and eel, they became the closest of friends. How close? Not “too” close since they don’t share an apartment, but close enough.
Many assume that Clazziquai is just a three member group, and that is what the media also usually portrays them as, but of course, assuming makes an “ass out of you and me” because that’s dead wrong. From my personal experience, I do recall Alex on “Star Golden Bell” clarifying that there are four members, but apparently no one ever took notice of that fact.
On camera, there are only three people on stage, but off camera and in the recording studios, member number four, Christina, shines. Alex explained that their mysterious extra vocalist Christina is actually his sister. It’s a nice notion for them to include her in their member roster, even though she is officially only a behind the scenes member.
You can catch more informational tidbits on tvN’s “Taxi” on September 24th.
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