Thursday, July 1, 2010

SuJu’s Shindong finally shaves his mustache

SuJu’s Shindong finally shaves his mustache

Super Junior’s Shindong has turned the table and decided to shave off the facial hair that he has been growing lately.

Through his Twitter on the 29th, he took three pictures of the process. In the first picture, he has that ‘do I really have to do this?’ expression on his face, looking as if he’s on the verge of crying. As the photos progress, the next two pictures transition from cuteness to confidence.

Netizens who have seen this photo have positively responded, “Thank you for shaving your mustache”, “You look a lot younger now”.

So, do you guys think that it was a good idea for him to shave his mustache – yay or nay?

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