Friday, June 11, 2010

SS501 should be banned…

… from using scissors, craft knives and the like. Forever.

We are so used to see our favorite idols being overly charismatic and professional that we often forget how young they really are. Everyone who saw behind-the-scene videos of SS501 members can tell you they’re truly a bunch of kids at heart. And you know how kids shouldn’t be left alone around scissors, knives or other cutting devices. Because, even if they somehow manage to avoid hurting themselves (or others), they will surely use these things to express their artistic nature on a/ your precious velvet drapes, b/ the dog or their little sister’s hair, c/ their own clothes. And judging by their latest performances, our lovely boys chose the c/ option on their expensive designer shirts and jackets. With “interesting” results to say the least.

Being in a fine mood, I won’t send the fashion police after them but have them reflect on their behavior (see-through patches on men’s clothes is bad, people !) while doing community service, which may or may not include repair work in my house wearing close-fitting T-shirts.

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