Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kara’s Gyuri & SuJu’s Shindong morph into Na’vi from Avatar

Over the past few weeks, idols have shown their Korean support for the FIFA World Cup in many interesting ways, but this definitely tops the list of absurdity.

On Twitter last week, Kara leader Gyuri and Super Juniordork Shindong of Shim Shim Ta Pa radio had promised to transform into Na’vi if Korea advanced to the Top 8 at the World Cup. Although the team got knocked out during their Top 16 match against Uruguay, the two radio DJs dressed up anyway to the delight of their fans.

Today you will get to see us on Shim Shim Ta Pa,” Gyuri announced today.Although the Korean team didn’t make it [to the Top 8] in the World Cup, they worked hard, so Shindong and I have decided! Please anticipate our transformations.

Considering the fact that Shindong has transformed into an SNSD cheerleader in the past, seeing him in a ridiculous get-up like this isn’t a huge shocker, but Gyuri the Na’vi definitely made me do a double take.

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