Wednesday, May 5, 2010

SuperJunior is making a comeback!

and that my friend, is the sound of ELFs howling out of happiness…

Everybody’s making a comeback and so will SuperJunior! Rejoice but not to a full extend because the boys will be back as 10. The actor ,Ki-Bum; the plaintiff, Han-kyung and the offender enlistee,Kang-In, will not participate in this upcoming 4th album. Fans, we know you guys are unhappy about it but something is better than nothing right?

13th May will be the released date of their 4th full length album.

” The success of our 3rd album ‘Sorry Sorry’ gave us some pressure to do even better for the 4th album. But we will continue to do our best and hope that you’ll show us your support” revealed, SuperJunior.

Regarding the absence of 3 other members, “We hope the best for Kang-In who’s enlisting this year. And Ki-bum, we believe his talent in acting will shine even more this year.” Hankyung on the other hand, is no longer in contact with the rest of the members, at least for now.

“We are not in contact with Hankyung and it’s saddening. However, we’re praying for his return and hopefully we can be together again”

All the more you fans should support them, regardless of the hoohahs. Poor boys, they need the emotional support.

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