Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ned Sherman will represent Jay Park in his Global Entertainment career!

Get ready for the return of Jay Park! It has been reported that Entertainment lawyer, Ned Sherman will be representing Jay on his global career…

Fans have been patiently following twitter updates and every other news outlet to keep up with Jay.

It’s a good thing Ned Sherman tweeted the good news. I’m sure fans world wide have been itching with anticipation!

Check out the full PR article.

Are you exited for Jay Park’s return?

[UPDATE] There are a few people who aren’t familiar with Jay, so added below is a short description!

Jay Park (aka Park Jaebom) was the former leader of idol group, 2PM. Due to controversy over his Myspace page regarding one of his messages that left many Koreans offended, he left the group in September 2009. Although his myspace message was posted from the past (in his trainee days), netizens discovered the message at the peak of his popularity and his reaction was to leave the group.

2PM with Jay:

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