Wednesday, April 7, 2010

1/ Yoochun (DBSK) 2/ Jaebum (ex-2PM)

3/ Tiffany (SNSD) 4/ Nicole (KARA)

5/ Nichkhun (2PM) 6/ Kibum (Super Junior)


7/ Tablo (Epik High) 8/Rain

So you need to brush up on your English skills and are looking for a new teacher. Who would you choose? A Stanford English Lit Masters degree (7/Tablo of Epik High) seems like the obvious choice. But if that’s too much, then you can choose a cutie from Thailand and the noona’s favorite (5/Nichkhun, 2PM), the too cool for Korea ex-member of 2PM (2/Jaebum), the awkward Engrish (remember “controlling my mind and menu …”) of pop act Rain or girl group members, Tiffany of Girls Generation and Nicole ofKARA. If that’s too much, there is always Yoochun (Dong-bang-shin-ki) or Kibum (Super Junior).

You decide.

Your dream English teacher is...

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