Tuesday, March 30, 2010

[POPPING News] Choi Jin Shil’s brother commited suicide

Rest In Peace Choi Jin-young. God Bless..

We thought this “trend” would stop…

Choi Jin-young was found dead at his home on March 29th. It’s been confirmed that the 39 years old actor had hanged himself on his rooftop using electric cables. Back in 2008, his sister, Choi Jin-shil had also committed suicide due to rumours alleging that she had contributed to Ahn Jae-hwan suicide. The news shook the nation and unfortunately started a deathly trend, celebrity suicide.

After the departure of his sister, he and his mother had been taking care of Jin-shil’s two children. The custody did not fall into their hands easily, as Choi Jin-shil rancourous ex-husband, former baseball player (Jo Sung-min) suddenly wanted the children’s custody. It’s been known that this douchebag was never present in the kids lives until her death.

Conspicuous motive which everyone saw through, eyeing the hefty inheritance Jin-shil left for the little ones. He just needed to dip his greedy, grubby, abusing hands in the kids future. Sung-min had also been physically abusing her during their marriage. Such despicable behaviour from a former national baseball player.

We are shocked that Jin-young would end his life abruptly especially, after what he said on ‘Park Joong Hoon Show’ in 2008.

The MC said “I love her as a dongsaeng and colleague but on the other hand i resent her for leaving cruelly. How about you? Do you resent her for leaving like that?”

Teary eyed Jin-young replied ” Why wouldn’t I feel that? I feel that she left so suddenly and the reality she left behind is difficult.She left behind so many questions i have to answer.And for that i resent her and sometimes hate her.”

His management said, “We recieved the unfortunate news from his family. We heard he passed on however, we weren’t told the details.We are all mourning for his lost.”

It was reported that Choi Jin-young had also been battling depression and it worsen after his sister’s death. We cannot imagine what Mrs Choi had to go through, when she discovered his son’s lifeless body the same way she had with her late daughter.

His funeral procession will take place on the 31st of March. And his ashes will be laid to rest besides his sister’s grave.

POPSEOUL offers our condolences to his family and friends. RIP Choi Jin-young. We may not understand the reasons but hope you’ll be happier in heaven. Dear readers, do not take depression lightly, we urge you to seek help or tell someone. Life is precious but more importantly, you are…

Park Joon Hoon Show: Choi Jin-young

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