Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lee Seung-ki Sexy in the Kitchen

The friendly and secure Lee Seung-ki has transformed for Samsung Zipelbrand into a manly, sexy, cooking dream. And he managed to accomplish it with all his clothes on!

Honestly, a man who can cook is really a treasure, and all of the multi-talented entertainer’s fans are swooning over the milk-drinking charm of a man in a suit. Lee Seung-ki got all future-husband for the Korean home appliance maker in a photo shoot called “Seung-ki in Love.” Is this what a man in love looks like?

Though the entertainer has always been able to give off a charismatic photo shoot, this time around, Lee Seung-ki loses his cute and happydongsaeng (little brother) image for something that sits more on the marrying man scale.

Anyway, what do you think of Lee Seung-ki’s latest “I’m really grown-up” photo shoot? Does it make you want to go out and buy a refrigerator?

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