Wednesday, February 3, 2010

T-ara is looking forward to a February 26th comeback with a shiny, new repackage album of “The Absolute First Album.”

Hit singles “Bo Peep Bo Peep” and “Like the First Time” (처음처럼) will be joined with a new single “Because of You I Go Crazy” (literal translation, 너 때문에 미쳐).

“Because of You I Go Crazy,” will be a powerful song, giving a new feel to T-ara after the cutesy “Bo Peep Bo Peep” and sultry “Like the First Time” The performance is said to have 12 backup dancers. Will they all fit on the stage?

Anyway, T-ara’s management says that they will be “breaking out of their already established lively, cutesy image.”

During promotions of “Like the First Time,” T-ara member So-yeon was diagnosed with H1N1 influenza on January 29th, so T-ara stopped all activities abruptly. Now that So-yeon is feeling slightly better, though not complete cured, T-ara is ready to give this repackaged gift to their fans.

Look forward to the February 26th release!

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