Wednesday, December 2, 2009

IRIS” star Lee Byung-heon had a visit to the Blue House (Korea’s Presidential residence), on December 1st to meet and great with the President of Hungary. Being famous can really get you places.

While the President of Hungary László Sólyom was visiting, the Blue House extended an invitation to Lee Byung-heon for supper.

Why Lee Byung-heon? The Blue House staff said that because the Hollywood star is “acquainting people with Korea” he was also invited.

Also, last June, KBS 2TV drama “IRIS” was filmed in Budapest, Hungary, where even police officers were used as extras for the show. The Hungary government wanted to give a big thank you to the star and Korea for also raising interest in Hungary.

Who knew a TV show could have such big international implications? Anyway, congratulations to Lee Byung-heon!

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