Thursday, November 5, 2009

suju spao

Holy colors Batman!

As if SM Entertainment darlings Super Junior and Girls Generationweren’t cute enough, both groups are set to endorse the newly launched clothing brand SPAO. Though a full catalog has yet to be released, eager fans have gotten a hold of a few promo shots and by the looks of things, colorful fall/winter gear with a touch of All-American prep seems to be the theme.

For the girls, that means that brightly winter staples (like down jackets and tights) are the ticket. As for the boys, brightly-colored hoodies and accessories are a go.

And if neon yellow tights aren’t your thing, it looks like the rugby shirt is making a comeback. Why not give the prep look a try…though I highly suggest you skip the helmet. That may be a look that only Si-won can pull off.

Check out more promo shots here~

suju spao1snsd spaosnsd spao1snsd spao 3

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