Wednesday, November 4, 2009


….in the film circuit with her new film “Make Yourself at Home”.

Koreans speaking broken Engrish was never attractive. However, in this film, her acting was not only surprisingly good but also English has improved.

In this new thriller by Korean director Sohn Soopum and producer SohnSomyung , the traditional issues of marriage and the stereotypical Korean American community is explored along with the traditional issues of immigrant families adapting to a new culture and society.

Walking into this film not knowing a single thing about it, I was expecting a typical Korean drama with some comedy, tears, and poor acting. Instead, the mood created by the filmmakers was palatable. Everything from the washed out clips to the strong performances by the entire cast made you literally feel like you were just a fly on the wall observing everything that was going on.

With the typical “what just happened” here type ending, this film is definitely one to watch and add to your list of must see thrillers.

POPSEOUL! was fortunate enough to talk with the director, Soopum Sohn, of this soon to be released film.

PS!: What inspired you to create such a film with a multi-ethnic cast?
Sohn: I meet, live and work with multi-ethnic people in New York City. It will happen more and more to everyone. I’m interested in cultures meeting and creating something new.

PS!: Was it deliberate from the beginning that it was going to be such a cast or did it start off with a different idea and then expand from?
Sohn: When I write, I don’t appoint one actor. I let actors play and see if they can do better than my imagination. If they do, they are cast.

PS!: You said Song Hye-kyo was a hard worker and did whatever was necessary to portray her role perfectly. Other than that was it like to work with Song Hye-kyo?
Sohn!: Some actors have more star image than serious actor image. I worried a little from previous experiences with other actors. And I was surprised [by] the level of acting choices and professionalism she brought to the set. She controlled every single muscle movement. I was impressed when I saw the match of the motion take by take and frame by frame during the editing process.

PS: Are there any funny moments with Song Hye-kyo during the filming process?
Sohn: There is a scene I shot from across the street. The idea was that the Julie and Sookhy characters wear uniforms and the same hair style. I yelled at first [at the] AD to take Hye-kyo out not Athena. And I [soon] found [out] it was Hye-kyo. They really looked alike. That scared me and I was satisfied.

PS: With whom would you like to work with in the future?
Sohn: Gael García Bernal and Hye Kyo. Because Arno Frish already worked with Hye-kyo.

PS: Any other showings other than film festivals? How would our viewers be able to view this film?
Sohn: The film will be released in January in Korea.

Check out the trailer below.

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