Thursday, October 29, 2009


Well, that’s what composer Lee is claiming.

A police station in Seong-dong Seoul, has announced that composer Lee (37) has filed a case at their station, stating that the composers of Lee Seung-gi’s “Let’s Break Up” have plagiarized his song. According to the police, composer Lee is claiming that composers Kim and L have infringed copyright of the song “Because I Hurt My Ankle” he wrote for artist Tim, back in 2007.

The police have stated that they have completed their part of the investigation with the accuser and will now submit the two songs to theKorea Plagiarism Copyright Committee, for their opinion and ruling.

In response to this ordeal, one of the accused composer’s, L has stated,

I have listened to the song that has become an issue and from my judgement I cannot find any similarities between the two songs. There is simply no reason for someone who is working together with a top singer, to knowingly plagiarise any song. I will look into further measurements to work out this situation with composer Kim.

Listen to both songs below. What do you think, do the songs sound similar enough to be considered as being plagiarized?

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