Tuesday, October 6, 2009

…or at least Boom thinks so.

Why? Well, apparently Lee-teuk spilled the beans that Boom has a girlfriend.

On a recent episode of the new SBS show “Strong Heart” entertainer Boom told a little fib, saying that he didn’t have a girlfriend. Well, the show’s MC Kang Ho-dong wasn’t quite convinced, as Boom seemed rather nervous and uncomfortable after answering the question.

Kang Ho-dong then asked Super Junior member Lee-teuk about the situation (since Boom and LeeTeuk are very close) and that’s when Leeteuk spilled the beans, revealing that Boom was currently dating someone.

Fortunately for Boom, Lee-teuk didn’t reveal the identity of Boom’s girlfriend. At least he had enough sense to keep that much to himself….or maybe she just wasn’t famous enough to mention. Either way Lee-teuk can’t take it back now!

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