Friday, October 2, 2009

Who do you think looks especially “delicious” in this photo?

Looks like the girls are back with their new image, cute yet sexy with their new endorsement of LG Cyon’s “Chocolate”.

Although Girls Generation can certainly pull off the look, they definitely wouldn’t have been my first choice to endorse a phone that’s marketed as being sleek, sexy, and mature. Their usual pure, yet flirtatious personas don’t go with this image campaign, but how can you not use Girls Generation to sell an product? Their faces signal dollar signs.

I must admit, though, I’m still loving the short haircuts some of the girls are wearing. Even though many people didn’t like the short cuts during their “Genie” days, long locks are so played out.

Here’s their little blurb on why they like the new “Chocolate” mobile phone.

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