Thursday, October 29, 2009


For the time being, at least.

It has been announced that singer Chung-lim will be a part of the newKBS variety show, “Let’s Go Dream Team: Season 2“, in place of the injured Jo Sung-mo. Apparently, Jo Sung-mo fractured his ankle, during the taping of “Let’s Go Dream Team: Season 2″ at the Gong-reung dong military academy in Seoul.

Chung-lim was immediately called to replace Jo sung-mo for the taping of the new episode on the 28th. The PD of ”Let’s Go Dream Team: Season 2″ has stated that Chung-lim was invited to replace Jo Sung-mo, for having exerted great athletic skill during the original audition for the variety show. Whether Chung-lim will be a temporary or permanent addition to the team has not yet been decided.

Can’t wait to see the chocolate ab cutie on the new episode of the show! And we hope that Jo Sung-mo will have a speedy recovery.

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