Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Cube Entertainment’s debut boy group, BEAST, has their first MV out and what’s the verdict?

Bad Girl” is a fairly good, upbeat song, although I hate how this autotune trend is trampling on so many naturally nice sounding voices. I’ve heard worse abuses of autotune, but sad to hear debut tracks using it.

I hate four out of six of their hairstyles. Son Dong-woon and Yoon Doo-joon, you are looking fine by me (not just in the hair department either *wink*). Their stylists really need to reevaluate what they are getting paid to do. The MV, itself, is all right, but this fashion sense just turns me off so much. I’m much more inclined to just listen to the audio track and forgo the MV, despite the good variety of background settings.

I really want to stare at their cute mugs, but you’re just wearing too much guyliner, Lee Ki-kwang.

Curious how they did live with “Bad Girl”? Click here~

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