Thursday, October 15, 2009


…at the pop star’s concert in Seoul. What lucky girls.

It’s only been a month since f(x)’s debut and they already get the honor of being the opening act for Beyonce’s ‘BEYONCE I AM…TOUR IN SEOUL 2009‘ concert. It’s not every day a rookie group like f(x) gets to be the guest act for an influential pop star like Beyonce. B4H Entertainment, the host of Beyonce’s concert stated,

Although f(x) is a rookie group, that debuted just one month ago, they have a great stage persona and charm that give (fans) expectations to be one of the hottest icon’s in Asia. This is why we have invited them to be the opening guest.

In response, f(x) has expressed their gratefulness stating,

It is really a great honor and we are so happy to be able to be a guest at world star Beyonce’s concert. We will do our best to show the audience a great performance, and will like to take this opportunity to personally learn the stage manner and vocals of a star.

f(x) will be the opening guest for Beyonce’s tour in Seoul on October 20th and 21st.

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