Thursday, December 31, 2009

It’s almost 2010, and POPSEOUL wants to know… If you had the chance, which Kpop star would you want to have a New Year’s party with? It’s always fun to party with a cute girl or handsome guy.

The poll is split up between ladies and gentlemen. Sorry that everyone couldn’t be included, but this is a popularity contest after all! We also tried to stick to celebrities that made news during 2009.

Vote to be heard!

Who Do You Want to Spend New Year's With? - Ladies
Who Do You Want to Spend New Year's With? - Gentlemen

If you’re interested in how Koreans think, Korean netizens chose Lee Hyori and Lee Seung-ki as the female and male they would most want to spend New Year’s with.

Go Soo, who was quite popular in 2005 (Marrying a Millionaire), has finally comeback with the drama “Will It Snow for Christmas,” and it seems like the hiatus hurt the actor’s reputation. Now, we ge to see the fine actor in the January issue of Highcut! Will Go Soo be 2010’s “heartbreaker”?

These days, Go Soo is getting more and more offers for advertisements and looks forward to having a busy 2010 with acting. Look forward to seeing more of this eye candy in the coming year. Until then, check out the photo shoot for Highcut.

2010’s first idol group, F.cuz (pronounced “focus”) released the trailer for their debut single, “JIGGY.”

The new faces are certainly good-looking, but the teaser isn’t getting me quite as excited as some of the promotional videos they have already released. What is that one-piece thing Yejun is wearing? And, as with all teasers, the music in the teaser may have nothing to do with the actual song.

Anyway, take a looksy at the short, 25-second teaser!

A second teaser will be released on January 5, 2010, and F.cuz will have their official debut on KBS “Music Bank” on January 8th.

What do you think of the teaser?