Couldn’t they have done a better job?
Recently, HOTTESTS tried to send a message to former 2PM leader Park Jae-bum. A group of international fans hired an airplane to fly a sky banner around the singer’s hometown of Seattle with the message “J. What time is it now?” The message hit the skies at exactly 2 P.M. on September 28th and flew for a reported two hours.
Well, apparently the banner caught the attention of Seattle’s KOMO News who wrote a rather uninformed and quite insensitive piece on Jae-bum’s current situation. For starters, the article (which has been heavilyedited since its original publication) refers to “2-PM” as “the Korean version of the Jonas Brothers”…give me a break! The rest of the article is riddled with questionable reporting and unnecessary exaggerations. Note: since when does going back to your own hometown equal going into “seclusion”.
Apparently the article got so much global traffic after publication that the website’s server overloaded. The attention then prompted station to feature the story on the local evening news. Reporters filmed Jae-bum’s parents’ home and interviewed local fans, as well as his neighbors. Hmm…I guess it must have been a slow news day.
In other Jae-bum news, a forum recently set up Seattle Glory Presbyterian church (where Jay and his family attend) has already been shut down (just 4 days after its September 23rd debut) due to numerous negative comments and bashes directed toward the singer. It’s kind of a shame since the forum was set up to encourage him, not bring him down.
On another note, a (more reliable) source has reported that JYP himself has flown to Seattle. It has been confirmed that the CEO will have a dinner meeting with Jae-bum and his family on September 30th before heading back to New York for work. I’m sure they’ll have lots to talk about!
Watch the piece KOMO 4 TV did on the Jae-bum controversy here~